Raiding the Nest...DIY Dragon Egg
Dragons have always been kind of a fascination for me. A beautiful majestic mythical creature, even though a totally bad idea. If anybody has ever watched the movie Reign of Fire, you know what I'm talking about. So seeing that I can't have a real Dragon, here's the next best thing. "My version" of a Dragon's egg, seriously the options for this odd conversation piece are endless. And you can make it look as realistic or as unrealistic as you want. It's a very easy craft to make, if you can use scissors and squeeze a glue gun you're good to go. I started with a leftover ten inch plastic Easter egg that I had rolling around. You can glue your egg shut which I did, or you could leave it so that you can pull it apart and maybe use it for storage. But you do run the risk of damaging your scales every time you open or close it, so it's really up to you. I used cardboard from a few pasta boxes. Or you could use card stock, any thin car